Fable Placemat | Coast
Fable Placemat | Coast
37b North Front St.
37b North Front St.
Kingston NY 12401
United States
Rich texture comes to the fore in Fable, in which staggered densities and multi-tonal colors create multifaceted stripes. This dynamic design resembles the handmade textiles created by collecting the "selvedge" of Chilewich fabric from the factory floor and weaving the ribbon-like strips into one-of-a-kind pieces.
TO CLEAN: Simply wipe with soap, water and a soft sponge or cloth. Scrub stubborn stains with a soft bristle-brush and a bleach-based cleanser.
Made in the USA.
MAKER: Chilewich
SIZE: 14'' x 19''
Use: Indoor/Outdoor
Material: Terrastrand yarns with 25% renewable vegetable content. 100% phthalate free.