Bayberry Tapers
Bayberry Tapers
37b North Front St.
37b North Front St.
Kingston NY 12401
United States
Our favorite holiday tradition!
When the first settlers arrived on our shores, every moment was one of survival. Everything was in short supply--including candles. Generally, candles were made of tallow(animal fat) which tend to smoke and gave off an odor-they can turn rancid as well. It didn't take long for early colonists to discover the abundant bayberry bush had berries that would give off a waxy residue when boiled. They learned to collect and save the bayberry wax that would rise to the surface of the water and make them into taper candles. The Bayberry tapers burned longer and cleaner than the tallow version. Unfortunately, it takes a lot of bayberries to make enough wax to make a single taper.
These Bayberry candles were a real treasure to the colonists who saved them for special occasions. It was a luxury to be saved and relished. Soon it became a tradition to burn your candles at Christmas or New Years Eve to bring blessings of abundance in the upcoming year. The tradition continues to this day.
"This bayberry candle comes from a friend
So on Christmas Eve burn it down to the end
For a bayberry candle burned to the socket
Will bring joy to the heart & luck to the pocket."
SIZE: 9"
INGREDIENTS: Bayberry Oil, blend of Bee's wax and premium wax
Hand dipped in Maine